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Premature Ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation is also known as early Ejaculation, or rapid Ejaculation is one of the most common sexual problems of men. Premature Ejaculation occurs when a man ejaculates sooner and does not have control over his Ejaculation during sexual intercross. Estimated about 1 out of 3 men say they experience this problem at some time.

A man with early Ejaculation is guilty because he does not satisfy his sexual partner. Early Ejaculation leads to less sexual gratification and may lead to unhappiness.

The true cause of premature Ejaculation is still unknown. Recent sex research has proven that fast Ejaculation may occur during the first time intercourse. Doctors believe that the main reason for fast Ejaculation is due to the lack of ejaculation control and other psychological and emotional factors are the main reasons behind this issue.

The Kovai health center, Dr. A. Jalaludheen, provides successful treatment for premature Ejaculation in Coimbatore. We fully understand premature ejaculation causes and recommend proper medicines, exercise for ejaculation delay exercises. We are one of the most popular premature ejaculation treatment in Coimbatore.